Friday, March 29, 2013

Today I am trying something new. I will be linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker  for what she calls Five-Minute Friday. Her rules are to write for five minutes. No editing, revising, overthinking, or backtracking. You just write. Today's topic is BROKEN.
So here goes my first try at this:-)
So many people in this world are broken. Today Jesus died on the cross for us because we are all broken. I was broken. I don't feel like I am anymore, but for some time I was. What He did for us today allowed me to pick up my pieces and put them back together. Although they were put back together in a new formation. 
Thank you Lord for all that you have done for me to pick up my broken pieces of what were my past and create a new life for myself.  A new life for even those around me. 
When you are broken those around you might crack and feel broken too. When my broken pieces were picked up because of what Jesus did for us today, people around me felt better. People around me were not walking on egg shells anymore. I was put back together and so were many of my relationships that broke along with me.
Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me. For everyone. For those that are broken and needed to be fixed. You are amazing!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

"Fix your thoughts
on what is
true and
honorable and
Think about things that are
pure and
lovely and
Think about things that are
excellent and
 worthy of praise."
                  Philippians 4:8

I am blessed. I feel at peace.
Doing the reset has truly given me a restored sense of balance with Food, Fitness and Faith. It is exactly what I have been searching for the past few years. The combination of food, supplements, simple yoga, walking and water have been wonderful. I couldn't thank one of my best friends Lauren for introducing it to me. She knew where my head was at and knew I would learn so much from it.

To me, the most important thing I have gained is a closer relationship with God.
I have finally created my prayer time My time alone with the Lord.
He has given me so much wisdom and a helped guide me to a brand new perspective on food.

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and lovely in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tomorrow starts day 15. My last week on the ultimate RESET! Woohoo, I can't believe the end is almost here. This journey has been exactly what I needed. I broke some old habits and created some new ones too. I feel like I have made so much progress already, but can't wait to share the results of the goals that I set with all of you when I am done in 7 more days:-)

Now for what God really placed on my heart today. Yes I have been thinking about the future after the reset because I know I have to have a plan, but this verse from 2 Corinthians really made me think about my past. It made me think of why I am here today and what has truly brought me to the beginning of a brand new lifelong journey of Faith, Fitness and Food.

"Therefore, since we have this ministry,
as we have received mercy, we do not give up.
Instead, we have renounced shameful secret things,
not walking in deceit or distorting God's message,
 but in God's sight we commend ourselves
to every person's conscience by an open display of the truth."
2 Corinthians 4:1-2

I have nothing to hide. I wear my heart on my sleeve. (or my wrist if you know me)
I would never be here today without the help of the Lord.
I am so blessed and so fortunate to be alive and able to share this journey with you. Every day I thank the Lord for all that he has given me and all that he has for me in my future. I am not afraid to tell anyone that I am here because God loves me. I am recovered from my eating disorder because God loves me. I am sharing my journey because God loves me.
I have made the choice to never walk away from Him.
He didn't walk away from me.
I am seeing this to the end.
The journey between Faith, Food and Fitness will never end.
It is a lifelong journey in which I will continue to honor God and all he has done for me.

I love this song and hope you take a few minutes to listen to it <3 Veronica
Ten Thousand Reasons

I love this song and wanted to share it...

Monday, March 25, 2013

“You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forever more.”
Psalm 16:11

As you travel down the path of life you will come upon many forks that will lead you in different directions. It is so hard to know which path to choose. Over the past two years of being recovered from an eating disorder I have not been able to figure out which path to go down.

I took a few steps one way, but turned around and went back. It just didn't feel right.
I took a few steps another way, but again I turned around and went back. Something seemed to be missing.
I was determined to figure it out. I was determined to find the path that would help lead me to find balance between food and fitness.

I finally found it. I found the path that led me to God.
God reminded me that my body is a gift from Him. It is my responsibility to honor Him.

I am unique.
I am special.
I am loved.
I am sacred
I belong to Him.

We each have the responsibility to honor God by taking care of our body. God is here to hold you accountable for what you eat or how much you exercise to stay healthy. He wants to see each and every one of us life our happiest, healthiest life he has planned for us.

When you come to the fork and have a path to choose, choose the path that leads you to God. He will guide you and show you the way to go.
Ask Him.
Trust Him.
I am so glad I did.

<3 Veronica

Saturday, March 23, 2013

When do you like to go to the grocery store?
Is there a certain day of the week you like to go?
Do you like to go early in the morning, late at night, or in the middle of the day?
Do you go with a list of things to buy or do you just wing it?
Are you a coupon clipper?
Do you check out the weekly circular?
Is there a particular store you like to go to or do you shop around?

I actually enjoy going to the grocery store. I know, call me crazy, but I do. There are two things I have learned through the years of grocery shopping. One that I must do and one I definitely can not do.

I must go in with a list. If I don't make a list, I will never remember what I need. Even when I have a list I forget things and end up going back again later in the week.

On the other hand, one thing I know that I CAN NOT do is go to the grocery store when I am hungry. When I go and I am hungry everything in site looks good and so many more items end up in my cart. There goes my list and my plan right out the door. I"m sure you have done this before.

I thought about my lists at the grocery store when I was reading this verse from Psalm 32:8 today.

"I will instruct you
and show you the way to go; 
with my eye on you, 
I will give counsel."

God always has his eye on you. When you are fighting a craving or reaching for something you know you shouldn't really have in the house, pray for strength from the Lord and he will help you out. Remember, you are never alone, he is always there to help. It may not be easy, but you will be thankful for it later. 

"No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. 
Later on, however, it yields the fruit
of peace and righteousness
to those who have been trained by it."
Hebrews 12:11

<3 Veronica

Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Beloved, I pray that in all respects
you may prosper and be in good health,
just as your soul prospers."
3 John 1:2
Here was tonight's dinner--sweet potato and red pepper soup with roasted asparagus...delicious!! I have had some really great meals along this journey. Meals that I will definitely add into my "bag of tricks".

When I read the verse from 3 John this morning, it brought me back to when I finally began my true road to recovering from my eating disorder. From the day I was able to admit that I had an eating disorder I was determined to beat it and determined to recover. I was not going to live my life prisoner to an eating disorder for any longer! As the first year went by I was moving in the right direction and taking the right steps. I was "in recovery" and I wanted to be RECOVERED.

I had the support of my family, friends and therapist but something was missing. There was a piece of the puzzle that I hadn't yet found. It wasn't until I opened up my soul to God that RECOVERY truly kicked in. I began going to South Ridge and for months I listened to Beautiful by Mercy Me every morning on my way to work. I was making that connection and trusting the Lord. I was on my way to "be in good health" because my soul was prospering and God was by my side every step of the way. I am now RECOVERED, and am in such a wonderful place in my life.

This journey on the Beachbody 21 day RESET is bringing me even closer to optimum health and it is so comforting to know I am not alone. I have such wonderful friends and family supporting me along the way, and I know that God is always with me. He is always with you too, all you need to do is ask. Having God with me has without a doubt helped me through these first 9 days. I am becoming the person that I am truly meant to be:-) I want to help others do the same, and be the person that they are truly meant to be.

"I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." Ephesians 4:1

Be sure to listen to the song and definitely check out my reset page. Email me if you have any questions too. 

<3 Veronica

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"The wise people will shine
like the brightness of the sky.
Those who teach others to live right
will shine like stars forever and ever."
Daniel 12:3

I want to teach every where I go.
I want to make a difference in the lives of others.
I want to help people live the best life they are meant to live.

We all have the opportunity to learn every single day. You can learn from anyone! A few months ago I can remember my nephew Braden teaching me about filaments in light bulb. Seriously, I had no idea what the things in light bulbs were called. I will never forget it now and I learned it from my 6 year old nephew! Love it. You don't have to be in school to learn, and you don't have to be a teacher to teach.  

Today is day 8, the first day of the second week. It was hard...this is what I was surrounded with all day...
As the day went on I was tempted...but I learned that I don't have to eat it just because it is there. It's so hard to say no to things especially when they are right there in front of your face. You can smell them; practically taste them! I don't know about you, but once I start I have a hard time stopping.

I shared with Mark this morning how hard I thought it was going to be and he reminded me of what I said the other day about going in with a plan and sticking to it. Oh yeah, I got this, I can do it. Every time I was tempted I reminded myself of my plan and took some time away.

After a few years in recovery from my eating disorder, I honestly wondered it I would ever be able to have a healthy relationship with food. Guess what? I can and I WILL for the rest of my life! As Mark told me "You're more impressive than you thought you were!" Thanks Mark!

The original thinking for doing this is to learn more about myself and my patterns and habits. I am now going to be fully invested in showing (teaching) others that they can do it to! Yes it's hard. I am not one who will sugar coat anything. It's hard, but it CAN be done and you will feel so good about it when it is over! I do:-)

I read this today:
"Physical fitness is not the result of a single decision that is made 'once and for all.' Physical fitness results from thousands of decisions that are made day after day, week after week, and year after year." Physical fitness is not just about working out, it is also about nutrition and faith. The life long journey is a combination of faith, food and fitness. The decisions you make in all facets of life will affect you.

<3 Veronica
Just remember, don't beat yourself up if you don't make the best decision, learn from it and move forward! can even learn from yourself!!

"Life is a series of choices between the bad, 
the good, and the best.
Everything depends on how we choose."
Vance Havner--retired minister, author

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

 So I say to you, ask,
and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find; knock,
and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives,
and he who seeks finds,
and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Luke 11:9-10
Everyone interprets a verse or a quote differently. When I read this verse from Luke I instantly thought of all the opportunity that lies ahead of me, and all of the doors that closed behind me. I am ready for new challenges and new adventures in life. I would have never thought I would be writing a blog about Faith, Food and Fitness. So many doors have been opened to me in the past two years, but none of that would have been possible without doors closing behind me.

I'm sure we are all familiar with the saying; when one door closes, another one opens. I have experienced this all throughout my life. Sometimes you don't want the door to close but it does. Life at that moment and for a time after that may seem like it is falling apart. It's when you finally realize that the door closed for a reason...because there is a better opportunity ahead of you! When you are ready, the next door will open.

Struggling with anorexia and over-exercising is a door I am so glad has been closed, locked, and the key has been thrown away! Although I have been recovered for over two years, it was not until I started the Ultimate RESET that I truly faced some of the habits I formed through my recovery. I am so thankful that one of my best friends Lauren approached me with this opportunity.

Today is the last day of week 1--RECLAIM and I start week 2 tomorrow. 7 days down and 14 more to go! I feel really good already and have picked up some really great recipe ideas and working through breaking some habits. I am looking forward to what the next 2 weeks bring. I will be keeping you posted:-)

Monday, March 18, 2013

So think clearly and exercise self-control.
Look forward to the special blessings
that will come to you at the return of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:13

Easier said than done. You can say that again. We are all faced with this on a daily basis. 
       Everyone is going out for you go or eat what you packed?
       "Harry" is moving, we are having a party for and drinks everywhere...ugh:(
       It's Carmen's birthday, let's celebrate with cake...every day this week!
       Happy hour...everyone is going...
Ever been in one of those scenarios before?? I'm sure we can all relate. It's in those times that you need to decide what your goal for that day is or was when you woke up. Did you plan to go to the gym and workout after work or have your dinner already planned? Is it worth going? It might be, and that's absolutely okay! Believe me I am one who doesn't like to miss out on much, especially with family and friends. You just have to practice self-control. If you do decide to go, have a plan ahead of time and stick to it:-) 

Remember that "life is a gift--health must be earned". 

Webster defines self control as "restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions or desires." 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

You, therefore, my child, be strong
in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 2:1

Day 5 of my Ultimate RESET:-) 
Sometimes it is just so hard to be strong.
Sometimes you just want to give up.
Sometimes you just want to cave.

When I was first in recovery I was caving for years because I thought well I deprived myself for so long I need to make up for it. I would cave and tell myself I just won't do it the next time. Then the next time came, and I did it again. I couldn't find the strength inside of me to not indulge over and over again. I'm sure so many people know what that feels like. The "I"ll start tomorrow" line and tomorrow never comes. No way am I beating myself up for that at all, but I have just realized that I can't do that all the time. To be honest, it became a habit; cave, tell myself I will not do it the next time, and the next time do it again. That is honestly the biggest reason I chose to do Beachbody's Ultimate Reset. Five days in and I have been faced so many times with wondering if it was a habit or was I truly hungry. I think it is hard to know until you really have to think about it. I am sitting here wanting so badly to get up and eat something sweet and believe me there is candy and chocolate everywhere in this house! I am so used to having something sweet after dinner. Mom loves to put candy out in bowls. 
She was awesome today when I asked if she could hide the jellybeans until the kids get here. I don't even like jelly beans that much, but I will eat them because they are there staring at me. 

Learn your habits and know your body.
It takes 21 days to make or break a habit, "healthy" or "unhealthy".
You can do it!

"For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also."
Luke 12:34

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Life is a series of choices.
"For it was You who created my inward parts; 
You knit me together in my mothers womb.
I will praise You, because I have been 
remarkably and wonderfully made."
Psalm 139:13-14

My nanny always used to knit (well actually crochet, but that's okay). She made blankets for all her children and grandchildren. She loved us and always told us how special we were. Not a day goes by that I don't miss Nanny <3 I am so blessed to be loved by my family and so many of my friends. 

I thought of Nanny when I read from Psalm this morning. Is there anything like a grandmothers love? I would say no, but the one love that is greater is God's love for us. He knows us because he made us, remarkably and wonderfully. I really had to turn to this today. I had God (and my Nanny) with me when I was struggling. I so badly wanted to grab some candy as Mark and I strolled through the Christmas Tree Shoppe to eat at the movies, but I didn't. I took long deep breathes and prayed. It worked. It wasn't easy that is for sure, God is amazing, and so is my Nanny! I made a good choice, broke a habit and I survived! 

When you eat, you need to remember that your body is special. "Don't you know that you are God's sanctuary and that the Spirit of God lives in you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16 What choices are you making when you eat? When you are unsure; close your eyes, take a deep breathe and ask Him. 

One quick thing...I have to share this picture of last nights dinner--home made sushi with Tempeh:-) I was soooo nervous, but it was awesome, Mark loved it too! I even had it for lunch today!

Friday, March 15, 2013

My little bit of wisdom I'd like to share. "It takes wisdom to be moderate; moderation is wisdom in action". I have learned a lot through my past experiences of struggling with an eating disorder. For years I was obsessed with what I ate or didn't eat and how much exercise I was doing. Obsessed! It's all I ever thought about. Not just when I was eating, but all day long. It was so hard to focus on anything else. I am so happy to be recovered and take what I learned to help out others.

Habits can be both positive and negative. Lately I have fallen into bad habits, and am using the 21 day RESET to help me conquer them and create good habits. We all have good habits, think about brushing your's a good habit and we do it at least twice a day! Well habits with food and exercise are so much harder. There are so many "fad diets" out there that make people think they have to diet. It's not about diet, it's about changing your lifestyle. Eating more foods that are good for us and limiting the foods that are bad for us. Yes we need to treat ourselves, and believe me I love my frozen yogurt (espeicllly the awesome new places they have that you can put so many flavors in one dish and any topping you can think of) but anyway, makig a lifestyle change will break those bad habits.

Do you have bad habits that you want to break?? Ask me how...join the journey of the ultimate RESET. "It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not."  Dr. James Godon

Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who give to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him. James 1:5

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Reset Day 2!
Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble.
Then your light will shine out from the darkness,
and the darkness around you will be as bright as the moon.
The LORD will guide you continually
giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength.
You will be like a well and watered garden,
like an ever-flowing spring.
Isaiah 58:10-11

Every day I want to be the light to others. I have found security in the Lord and want to help others do the same. Struggling with Food and Fitness can be such a dark place, but when you can find that balance there is so much light! Don't you just want to be filled with light and water and flow like a spring:-) I do! Which is why I have drank a gallon of water today!

I have chosen to take the journey of my RESET with the Lord and look to him when you need it. There have already been times through the past two days that I struggled, which is so normal for everyone I know, but we need to keep reminding ourselves that he is there to help us. One of my main goals is to break habits that I have which I have be unable to do on my own. Foods that I just felt really comfortable eating the past few years. I eat them because they are there, or because it became part of my schedule. They are not what I would call "really bad foods" but they have no nutritional value! I had a breakthrough yesterday when instead of Dunkin Donuts around 9:30 I reached for My Shakeology. Don't get me wrong DD isn't "bad"...but it's a habit I want to break, not rely on the caffeine and instead have the healthiest meal of the day with Shakeology. I picked up my note card, read it a few times and was so happy once I finished my shake.

I chose Isaiah today because it has spoken to me in so many ways lately. Last night in my awesome women's bible study at South Ridge we read and discussed the following from Ann Voskamps book, one thousand gifts. "we who are made in the image of God, being formed into Christ's likeness, our happiness comes, too, not in having but in the handing over. Give your life away in exchange for many lives, give away your blessings to multiply blessings, give away so that many might increase, and do it all for the love of God."
She is amazing. Through so much adversity in her life, she always remember the strength she has.

Thank you Lord for taking me on this journey. I hope some of you come along too!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"I'm going to press on, no matter what the cost.
I'm going to FOCUS on the prize to strengthen
my feeble arms and weak knees."

Here is what I am focusing on today. Every monring I read the (in)courage daily devotional as I dry my hair and this was the one for today! It was pefect. All day I looked back and throlled out my new yoga mat that I bought at the Christmas Tree Shop this monring! Love that store.
I am such a morning person. I know all of you people that stay up late til the wee hours of the mornign like my mom probably laugh at me when I say that, but I am. I get so much done in the morning. I had time to read the book I am going to use along the 21 days of the journey. Check it out
Both of the meals were great which as I made them last night I of course had to try a bit (loved the greek dressing and so did mom). I had My Shakeology instead of Dunkin Donuts today. Definitely not the same, but much better for me that's for sure. Time for Alkaalinize...which I am very nervous for, but here goes nothing!
Food, Fitness, and Faith for Women: A 21 Day Journey to a New You
"He designed you on purpose,
for a purpose that only you
can fulfill"
Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

First meal prep♥

Along the way I am hoping to have fun in the kitchen with new recipes and foods. I can not wait to eat tomorrow:-) I will constantly be reminding myself "whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. " 1Corinthians 10:31 ♥

God is for ME!

Tomorrow is the day I am starting my RESET and I couldn't have read a better verse for today! I have the ultimate supporter on MY side:) you can too. Just trust Him! BELIEVE in yourself, God does♥

finding_balance: The Daily Vitamin: "God is FOR You" (3/12/13)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Ultimate RESET starts March 13th!

Beachbody's Ultimate RESET is the beginning of a journey to a healthier new life for me and I hope that some of you can find inspiration from it as well. For me it is a way to cleanse my body, my mind and become completely healthy from the inside out.

Over the past 15 years I have had various struggles with food and fitness. I suffered from anorexia nervosa and over exercise. I could never find balance between them both. I couldn't see how loved I was and how special I was. Something had a hold of me so tightly I didn't ever let go. It was about 3 years ago that I finally hit rock bottom and found hope when I opened my heart to God. All those years I ignored Him every step of the way, but He never let me down. He never forgot about me and always picked me up. I am so blessed!

Over the 
the last few years we have been taking steps together, but recently he has put on my heart that I still need to make some life changing adjustments. God has led me here, to begin my journey with 21 days of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. One of my best friends and  Beachbody Coach, Lauren Majewski, started the RESET 21 days ago and has seen absolutely amazing results.

I always try to eat healthy, but I have what I would call "go-to" foods or comfort foods and I have my little vices like diet coke or coffee in the morning or afternoon. They do nothing for me, I know that, but I just never felt the need to get rid of them. I also have other body effects that I would love to see disappear along the first leg of my journey too, like bloating and yup...gas :-)

As I travel this journey I would love for you to follow me along the way. I will do my best to keep you updated every day. I can't wait to see where this takes me!
