Friday, April 26, 2013

Five Minute Friday <3
I am linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker and Five Minute Friday.
Here is today's prompt:

Timer is set.

I am so blessed to have the very best friends. I have friends from elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and so many more walks of my life.
Some friends come into your life for moments, and some friends come into your life forever. I have had all types of friends. My true friends showed me who they are when I went through some of the toughest times of my life. They supported, understood, and were there for me every step of the way. When I was at my lowest points they were there for me to lean on. They didn't have to say anything, they just let me know that they cared.
A friend is someone who doesn't judge you.
A friend is someone who will tell you when you have something in your teeth (a pin I found today on pinterest that made me laugh out loud)
Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.
Funny how your mind goes off on tangents when you are given a topic.
I am so excited to make new friends tomorrow at the (in)RL webcast.
I am headed to Mt. Laurel to my new friend Erin's house. I don't know Erin. We have only exchanged emails, but I know we are both passionate about the same things and are what I would call "like-minded friends". I love when you know that you will be friends with someone when you have never even met them. Blogging has done that for me. I have just touched the surface since I have just began, but I see a bright future filled with many blogging friends I will have for life!
<3 Veronica

Five Minute Friday

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