Friday, April 19, 2013

Five Minute Friday--JUMP

Timer is set...GO!

When I first began my personal relationship with God I jumped right in!
I wanted to know everything.
I wanted to figure out why God would choose to save me. Choose me to pick up every time I fell.
I jumped, head first. Literally dove my head into the Bible, many Christian living books, Christian music and surrounded myself with Christian friends.
I am so happy that I took the biggest jump of my life :-)
I don't know where I would be if I didn't.
I truly do not want to think about it either.
This jump saved my life. It was a very scary jump, but I knew that it was the right one.
I knew that God would catch me and never let me hit the ground.

Jump for joy
Jump for His love!
Jump into the arms of God!
Jump and trust that he will be there to catch you!
I did and I couldn't be happier!
This was the best jump of my life!
Thank you Lord for catching me!

God is awesome!!

<3 Veronica

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