When we are often surrounded by so much negativity it is so hard to be different.
I know that sometimes it's easier to ignore it or walk away from it.
Are we ever going to make a change if we continue to do that?
Instead, it's challenging to say something positive and maybe call the person out on how negative they are being. They may not want to hear it, but they also may not know they are doing it. It comes natural or habit to so many.
I want to be the light that makes people realize how destructive they are being to themselves and others around them and how changing their attitude can change lives including their own <3
It is well known that it takes more muscles to frown then it does to smile. Turn that frown upside down and be a positive light for all those around you.
I am taking the challenge. Do you think you can?
"The wise people will shine
like the brightness of the sky.
Those who teach others to live right
will shine like stars forever and ever."
Daniel 12:3
Your words..."it's challenging to say something positive and maybe call the person out on how negative they are being. They may not want to hear it, but they also may not know they are doing it. It comes natural or habit to so many." Guilty right here in year's past! Now, I'm like you focusing on the good God we serve. I have a few younger friends stuck in the muck of life though...your words encourage me to encourage them! God's blessings as you continue to share the light! :)